Another photographer iv been looking at recently is Richard Childs. Looking at his portfolio i find a lot of his images quite cold. There is a lot of blues, grays and whites in his photos, which gives off the feeling of cold. This is not to say i don't like his photos, because i do, i like the emptiness of the images, they seem quite peaceful.
The majority of his photos seem to be taken in Scotland where he lives. Scotland appears to be a great place for landscape photography, iv seen some amazing photos taken there, and Richard Childs is one such photographer who can capture the landscape greatly.
He able to include seasons in his photos fairly well, mostly winter and autumn, this probably dew to Scotland not having much of a summer. Some of the photos in this blog entry include autumnal images along with winter. I like the colour of the leaves in the woods and the colour of the wheat in the fields, i feel it adds warmth to his images. Without these focus point in the images, his photos would look a lot cooler.
In one of his photos the focus points is a wooden path weaving in and out of the trees. I love the shape of the path, and how it disappears into the distance. The curve of the path is in contrast to the straightness of the trees. It loosens up the image, making the viewer follow the path right up to the top of the photo. Its in Black and white, so theres no colour to distract from the shape of the path, keeping it simple.
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