Thursday 11 March 2010

Joe Cornish Landscape Photographer

After looking through a photography book (Working The Light) that Steve gave me last week, i made a list of photographers work in which to look at. Iv recently been looking at the work of Joe Cornish. 
I liked the simplicity of his images, mostly using one main focus point in the image usually a rock or log. The majority of the photos involve water somehow, generally using the coast the photograph. The uniqueness of the rocks on the beach make for some interesting focal points in his photos. Id like to include a costal landscape in my portfolio, but dew to my location, it proves difficult to just go out and do it. I know a great beach in wales i visited last year near cardiff. Im planning on going to Cardiff in the summer, and i intend to vist this beach again, so its a shame i wont be able to include the photos i take there in my portfolio.
My favorite images are the ones taken at sunrise or sunset, i love the colours in the sky. After trying to photograph these type of images myself, i have found that i prefer the sunset to have broken clouds in the sky, because i find  it more visually pleasing. The light tends to bounce off the scattered clouds producing different shades of oranges, reds and yellows, which i think makes for a great photograph.
I love reflections in photographs, it can make you look twice at an image. Joe uses reflections in some of his images, like the ones at the top of this post. It shows the rocks reflected in the water pooling around them, along with the clouds in the sky with the sun shining through. I think it can add to an otherwise boring photograph, if you use the reflection to create something more interesting to look at. In one of his images he also uses the suns reflection of the rocks which are in the foreground, i think this adds more warmth to the photo.

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