Wednesday 17 March 2010

New Landscape Photos

Today i went out round Tamworth with the aim of getting some good landscape photos which i might possibly use in my portfolio. I had a few rough ideas of what, and where i was going to shoot. Tamworth has two rivers running through it, so i headed over to the castle grounds to try to grab a few shots by the riverside. I was hoping to get a few photos with the castle in the background, or maybe some of the bridges they have going over the river.
When i got there the sun was out, which was great because it lit up the bridge over the water better, along with the castle. I managed to get some good shots with the river, the bridge and the castle in the distance. Then the sun went behind the clouds so i had to keep adjusting my shutter speed to avoid under exposing the images. I kept my ISO at 100 all the time, so i got the best quality images i could.
I then was going to head over to the small nature reserve in Fazley, to try and get some photos of fields, with the birds sitting on the lake. As i walked over there i noticed the old skate park was empty, so changed my mind and went over to grab a few shots of the park instead. I thought this would be good to include in my portfolio, as its an urban landscape rather than a rural one. All of my photos Ive taken previously have been rural.
All of the walls have been covered with graffiti, leaving the park very colourful, which is something Ive wanted to include in my images. I like bright colours. I took the photos from low down near the ground, to make the ramps n rails appear bigger. Also leaving room to include the various images in graffiti on the walls. I managed to get some of the best shots of the day there.
Next to the park theres a lake, a few ducks and geese like to hang around the water so i tryed to take some photos of them. I was able to get good shots of them while they were near the edge, but when they went a bit further out, my lens was unable to zoom far enough to take a good photo. If i had a telephoto lens, this wouldn't have been such a problem. 
I managed to get some good shots of the geese standing on the waters edge looking out onto the lake.
I will add the photos from today onto my Picsa site for you to view. I have also editied a few over on my Flickr page.


  1. Hi
    Your research is a little thin on the ground in that it should guide and inform you alongside giving you inspiration and influence.
    Also it becomes useful to compare what you did alongside other work, from that you can write a reflective blog about how well you did and what you would maybe do differently next time.


  2. Hi
    Your work has improved as far as meeting criteria is concerned and you are also producing work that shows signs of influence from your own research.
    You have clearly met the criteria you have labelled.

