Clyde Butcher's black and white photographs explore his personal relationship with the environment. The exquisite beauty and depth of his work draw the viewer into a relationship with nature. For more than forty years, he has been preserving on film the untouched areas of the landscape. His images are captured with an 8"x 10", 11"x 14", and 12"x 20" view camera. The large format camera allows him to express the elaborate detail and textures that distinguish the intricacy of the landscape. The photographs range in sizes from 8"x 10" inches to 5'x 8' feet.
As a fan of black and white photography, ive been looking at the work of Clyde Butcher. He primarily produces his images in black and white. I love these types of photos because they add a certain feel to the image. There isn't any colour to distract you from the subjects within the image. Some photos can feel quite cold without the colour. The landscape looks completely different in black and white.
Ive experimented with different black and white photos in the past. Some photos work really well like this. I tend to shoot in colour then edit the image later, giving me more options to work with.
Clydes images work really well this way. A lot of the images were taken on beaches, something which most people prefer to shoot in colour. Black and white gives a whole new look to the beach.
Wow great images aren't they I have used a 10x8 view camera before in the past and believe me thats large, but a 12x20 view camera!!, can you find an image of this camera?
Hi, i don't think i can post an image in the comments, so iv posted the picture of the 12x20 camera on the main blog.