Saturday, 20 February 2010

New Flower Photos

Ive been taking photos of flowers this week. My sister has some potted Pansies in the window, so I've been experimenting with different techniques, using the flowers as my subject.
I had to get very close to the flower, so my auto focus had trouble focusing on the part of the plant i wanted. I put the camera into manual focus, which helped a lot, but i had to keep moving the camera about the get it just right.
I put a piece of plain white paper behind the flowers so there wasn't anything in the background to distract from the subject. I made sure that the sun light could still reach the flowers, as this was the only light source i was using.
My camera was set to fully manual mode. I set the aperture to F5, and used shutter speeds between 1/100 and 1/200, depending on the amount of light available. I didnt need a tripod as there was more than enough light to be able to use a fast shutter speed, meaning i could hand hold my camera.
The photos i have posted here are a few of my favorites, and have not been edited. Tho i have added a couple edited versions to my Flickr page.


  1. Sarah,

    Really like the fists and last one, lighting and colour are fantastic.

